Special Program: Pittsfield, VT

11/11/2017 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM ET


Rural Library


Pittsfield, VT
United States of America


Roger Clark Memorial Library is grateful to offer a Veterans Day Program, with the aid of a Children’s Literacy Foundation (CLiF) Rural Library mini grant we received this summer. We welcome individuals of all ages to attend. We have added some new books to our collection, dedicated to Veterans and war stories for all ages and will read one of these books for kids entitled, Veterans: Heroes In our Neighborhood, originally published in 2012, by author Valerie Pfundstein and illustrator Aaron Anderson. Meet Roger’s family to hear his story and see us unveil part one of our two part rededication to display more of his story on the wall that contains his personal books.

Neon CRM by Neon One