Library Event: Berlin, NH

01/23/2019 08:15 AM - 01:45 PM ET


Year of the Book


Berlin, NH
United States of America


Layne Case will visit all the Hillside School 3rd-5th grade students to tell stories and discuss her books. The school and public librarians will introduce students to their new collections. The grant provides $1000 worth of books to both the school and public libraries. 8:15-9:00, 9:15-10:00 and 10:15-11:00 at the school and then Simon will go to the Berlin Public LIbrary from 1:00-1:45 to meet the preschool community. 

8.15 am - 9 am - Grade 4
9.15 am - 10 am - Grade 3
10.15 am - 11 am - Grade 5
Neon CRM by Neon One